If you'd see me writing this post, I'm a bunch of soreness in a pyjama, sitting in front of my computer, trying to find something interesting to share with you. :) Soreness? I'll tell you why.
I am a bodyrocker and I love it! I found BodyRock.Tv back in october 2010 and it passed approximately two months untill I tryed my first workout, Burpee burnout. During my bodyrock journey I faced many ups and downs (of which I'm going to talk in next posts) regarding working out and eating. It seemed quite a life transformation for me, especially mental.
Speaking of changes, there have been quite some on bodyrock site as well. Since Zuzana, co-founder and heart of home workout movement, left due to a divorce from Frederick, co-founder and camera man, there have been many hosts tking her place. First there was Jess, then Kyla, Sean, Freddy's brother, and now Lisa-Marie. There are more to come as I can see from their Facebook posts, asking female candidates to send pictures and descriptions of themselfs. I guess I'm quite fine with the changes but the spirit Zuzana had is gone with her and we all notice it.
Luckily she decided to come back and do ZWOD (Zuzana's workout of the day). Right now she has her own Youtube channel an has done two ZWODs so far. The second one is the reason I am sore as hell today. :) but I love it! The spirit is back - calm, focused and warm person with the best form during exercises and who obviously nails every point she makes. She knows life and people's psyche and that's what makes her so close to people, that's why she comes forward as understanding, open and warm. That's why thousands follow her. As well as I do. :)
I am looking forward to seeing what she is to prepare for us and follow changes that are to occur along the way. I'm still doing older bodyrock workouts, but I don't think I can call myself bodyrocker anymore. ZWODer?? :)) Naah, just me, a person who likes working out and having fun with it.
Zuzana, I'm glad you're back! :))
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