
Monday 18 June 2012

550 rep fat massacre

Today I decided on doing Zuzana's bodyrock classics - 550 rep fat massacre. I have to tell you that I was melting at the end of it. My goal was to beat my old personal best but before I trust you with my results, here's the workout breakdown:

1. backward lunge kick up - 25 reps on each leg
2. walk over push up - 50 reps
3. mountain climbers - 50 reps (each switch counts as one)
4. sumo squat knee up - 50 reps
5. one leg bridge leg lift - 25 reps on each leg
6. side to side squat & leg lift - 50 reps
7. one arm tricep push up - 25 reps on each arm
8. star crunch - 50 reps
9. diagonal touch down - 25 reps on each side
10. side plank lift - 25 reps on each side
11. one leg wall sit - 25 reps on each leg
Finished in ..... drums .... 25:22 min, approx. 6 min better than my personal record! Yaaaaaayyy!! :) SO happy with my achievement today!

In the evening I am going to a ceremony to get my degree and then I can FINALLY say bye bye to the Faculty of Arts! This deserves another yaaaaayy! :))

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