
Tuesday 6 March 2012

Super hot booty

JESUS! I'm DYING here!!! :) I did this one on an empty stomach and it felt good, but I literally drained myself, every last bit of energy I had left after my morning coffee ... XP :)
Anyway, here's the workout breakdown:

#1 (12x10/10)
plie jump squats/mountain climbers
#2 high knees with jump rope - 200 reps
#3 (12x10/10)
jump lunges/mountain climbers
#4 (6x10/40)
1. forward/side lunge with ricebag - 8, 8, 8
2. sumo squat & V lift - 9, 9, 10
Used 7 kg weight for lunges.

Ab bonus (3x10/50)
1. scissor switch legs & reverse crunch - 10, 8
2. single toe touch - 30

Chest & back bonus - 10 reps each
1. push up
2. close grip pull up (substituted for reverse push up)
3. tricep push up
4. wide grip pull up (same as before)
5. diamond push up
6. elevated push up
7. bent over flys
8. reverse push up
Completed in 6:33 min using 2x 4,5 kg for flys. I also added another 200 jump rope skips, just because I decided that I'm going to add skipping to this week's routine. :)

Leg, shoulder and ab death, totally brutal and highly satisfying when accomplished. ;) Good wrkout from bodyrock team!

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